

 Helping leaders to bring out the best in themselves and others to achieve their goals. 
John Kane NPQH, FCCT.
Coach (ILM Level 7)

About me...

After life as an actor and director, I became a drama teacher in 1994.  Since then, my career moved through multiple leadership roles including Headship and executive leadership within a Multi-Academy Trust.

Since 2015, I've been consulting, both in the UK and internationally, working with leaders on change management and improving classroom practice.  I deliver on the NPQ Executive Leaders course, and coach executives and senior leaders in education and the corporate sectors to meet their goals and improve their performance.

As an executive coach (ILM Level 7), I believe in the transformative power of conversations.  I passionately believe that organisations with high levels of emotional intelligence will develop the interdependence that leads to high performance at all levels.    


A Learning Culture

We will see all employees, at all levels, as learners and leaders. We foster a learning environment that develops confidence, strengthens trust, improves collaboration, and sees “Leadership” as a verb, not a noun. We will encourage curiosity and questioning, challenge, risk-taking, and ownership of your own solutions.

Applied Learning Experiences

We know that powerful learning is more likely to happen when knowledge is applied. Learning has to be about doing. So we work in practical ways, in real scenarios, where change is needed, and provide participants with meaningful experiences that can be applied straight away. 


Employees who question and seek their own solutions are more likely to thrive. If those we support are facilitated to actively find their own solutions, then change will be sustainable and more powerful. So, we believe that an element of coaching and facilitating is the best way to work. 


Together we go further; schools and companies thrive when we turn knowledge into practice quickly. Research is clear about the power of teams; shared knowledge will create a learning culture, one that empowers individuals to achieve your organisation’s goals. 

Blended Learning

Learning is most powerful when it is varied and engaging. We will facilitate learning through varied platforms and activities so that knowledge is applied. There will be an emphasis on active learning; for instance, we won’t lecture but we will make you think hard and facilitate problem-solving through collaborative tasks and learning dialogues.

Evaluation and Impact

Everything that we do will have an element of evaluation. What will be the impact of our work? How will we know when a goal has been achieved? How can this be sustained over time? Each service will come with an offer of evaluating the impact of the work by using your own success metrics.
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